Monday, February 9, 2009

This Past Weekend

This past weekend Jesse, Aiden and I were able to get away and go visit my best friend and her family. It was Noah's (our Godson) 1st birthday! It was so great to see Aiden and Noah interact. They haven't see eachother in 6 months but they played like they hadn't missed a beat. It reminded me of how Jessica and I were every summer.

We only saw eachother for a week in the summer, but when we did we were inseperable and it was like we had never missed a day of eachother's lives! I only hope that Aiden and Noah continue a friendship as great and meaningful as their moms'!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I am SO glad you guys got away for a weekend! and Aiden sure looks full of it in that first picture ...